Summary of MFI Activities in 2008
Prior years activity: 1996-2000
| 2001
| 2002-3
| 2004
| 2005
| 2006
| 2007
| 2008 | 2009
Comments, Suggestions
Fellowships |
December 2008
- Dr. Ahmad was interviewed by
Alex Serotin of Radio Free
Europe on the Israeli attacks on
- Imran Malik wrote a blog on Hindu Terrorists.
- Dr. Ahmad wrote a blog on The Tragedy in Gaza.
November 2008
- We met with a delegation from
Kyrgystan to discuss development
of Islamic civil
- We attended a CATO forum on
intellectual property
- We attended an Atlas special
program on lessons from the
- Dr.
Ahmad spoke on the Gulen
movement at GU’s
- Dr.
Ahmad was a panelist on
EBRU-TV’s World Affairs programs
on Third World Debt, and The
- We met with a Muslim
delegation from China to discuss
Islam in the U.S. and
characteristics that distinguish
it from Islam in other western
countries as well as in other
regions of the world.
- Dr.
Ahmad represented the
Minaret of Freedom Institute at
the 62nd annual MEI conference
on “US Middle East Policy:
Pathways to
- Dr.
Ahmad represented the
Minaret of Freedom Institute at
the unveiling of the AMCE book
digest project at
- Imran Malik wrote a blog on “Obsession:
Neoconservatives Assault on
the Islamic Faith”
- Dr.
Ahmad wrote a blog “Dare
We Hope?” on the prospects
for an Obama administration.
August 2008
Ahmad was
interviewed by New
Republic magazine’s Suzy
Khimm on “Islam and
- The
Islamic Rules of Order
has been published by
amana publications.
- We participated in a
meeting of the One
Nation initiative’s
“Telling Our Story”
media seminar.
- We met with Dr. Li
Feng from China to
discuss the status of
Muslims in America.
- Dr. Ahmad was
moderator/participant in
a discussion of the
meaning and practice of
Ramadan for EBRU-TV’s
“Perspectives on Faith.”
July 2008
president Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
gave a presentation on "Religion
and Science from the Quranic
Perspective" at the IIIT
Scholars Seminar and at GW Law
school for Karamah.
- Alejandro Beutel met with
Senator Menendez’s staffers on
Homeland Security and Civil
Liberties issues, and presented
his paper on Homegrown Terrorism
and Radicalization.
- Dr. Ahmad participated in
EBRU-TV “World Affairs” panel
discussions on “world hunger”
and “interfaith cooperation and
- Esam Omeish’s speech at our
annual dinner is the subject of
a Scholar’s Chair program on CTV
and Bridges TV. And is available
on DVD.
- Dr. Ahmad was interviewed by
Soraya Salam of IBN on Muslims
in America.
- Charles Butterworth published
a guest blog “Averroes
Would Be Appalled”
(unpublished letter to the
Washington Post) on a Zionist
attack on an Arabic Textbook.
- Dr. Ahmad was interviewed by
Josh Gerstein of the NY Sun in a
Sun article on a
Virginia prosecutor's
persecution of Muslims in
- Alejandro Beutel wrote a blog
on the DC
Youth Summit.
- Dr. Ahmad and Alejandro Beutel
published a blog on “Politics
and Policies are the Real
Problem, Not Faith.”
June 2008
April 2008
president Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
spoke in a panel discussion
entitled, "Protecting Human
Dignity and Freedom of Worship"
at The Prince Alwaleed Center
for Muslim-Christian
Understanding at Georgetown
University with Islamic leaders
from Indonesia and the
President Aly Abuzakouk
and Dr. Ahmad participated in
the Pope’s meeting with Muslim
and other American religious
leaders in Washington DC.
- Dr. Ahmad was interviewed on
EBRU TV's "Perspectives
on Faith" program on the
relationship between Islam and
- Dr. Ahmad appeared with Alison
Weir on “The Spiritual
Politician” radio program to
discuss the plight of the
- We were interviewed by
Michelle Boorstein on the
significance of the Pope’s visit
to Muslims.
- Dr. Ahmad spoke on a panel on
the “Prophets in the Abrahamic
Religions” for the University of
Maryland Honors Program.
- Dr. Ahmad participated in a
panel discussion entitled,
"Protecting Human Dignity and
Freedom of Worship" before a
visiting delegation of academics
from the Philippines and
Thailand at the CCMU at
Georgetown University.
- Zaynab Alwani gave a
presentation on Women in Islam
at our brown bag luncheon
- Dr. Ahmad represented the
Minaret of Freedom Institute at
a Heritage Foundation
presentation on the late Barry
Goldwater at which he inquired
as to Goldwater’s position on
warfare in the absence of a
declaration of war.
- Alejandro Beutel’s article
“Western Foreign Policies and
State Security: Proposal
Framework for International
Strategies in the War against
Global Terrorism” was published
in the International Journal of
the Humanities.
- Dr. Ahmad participated in the
Heritage Resource Bank and Atlas
Economic Research Foundation
Liberty Forum in Atlanta.
- Alejandro Beutel published two
blogs: "Democratization in
Turkey: Stumbling Blocks and
the Prospects" and
"A Metric of Security Failure:
America “Bleeding Green” in
the Fight Against Al-Qaeda."
- Dr. Ahmad published a blog on
Impact of the Iraq War."
March 2008
President Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
spoke on “Prophet Abraham from
an Islamic Perspective” in a
panel discussion in the series
"Children of Abraham, Jews and
Muslims in Conversation" at the
Islamic Society of Southern
Prince George’s County.
Vice President Aly Abuzakouk
and Dr. Ahmad participated in a
discussion of "Faith-Based
Diplomacy: Bridging the
Religious Divide" with Dr.
Douglas Johnston, Founder and
President of the International
Center for Religion and
Diplomacy, at the International
Institute of Islamic Thought,
aimed at deepening our
understanding of the positive
role that religion and religious
actors can play in peacemaking
or in addressing conflicts with
a real - or percieved -
religious dimension.
- Dr. Ahmad gave a presentation
on "The Unity of the Islamic
Ummah" for the Islamic
Information Center at the Jafary
Mosque in Burtonsville, MD.
- Josiah Ryan included Dr.
Ahmad's comments as a
counter-balance to Walid
Phares's views in "Jihad Against
West Well-Entrenched, Author
- Dr. Ahmad spoke on "Muslim
Victims of Grand Jury Abuse" at
the Muslim Community Center in
Silver Spring.
- Dr. Ahmad gave a presentation
on “Prophet Abraham from an
Islamic Perspective” as part of
the interfaith dialog
curricullum: "The Children of
Abraham; Jews and Muslims in
- We participated in the Arab
and Youth Summit in Dearborn,
Michigan, with a special focus
on interfaith activity.
- Dr. Ahmad was interviewed on
"Shariah in the American Courts"
for the "Living Islam in
America" television program on
Fairfax Public Access.
- Dr. Ahmad gave an
"Introduction to Islam" at Edge
- Alejandro Beutel wrote a blog
on "Bonyads
and Iranian Liberty."
February 2008
Dr. Jamal Barzinji,
Prof. Sibghatullah Al-Mojadded,
Nihad Awad, and Dr. Imad-ad-Dean
Ahmad |
January 2008