The Minaret of Freedom Institute is an Islamic policy research institute whose mission is to counter distortions and misconceptions about Islamic beliefs and practice; to demonstrate the Islamic origins of modern values like the rule of law and sciences like market economics; to advance the status of Muslim peoples in the West and in the East; to discover and publish the politico-economic policy implications of Islamic law (shari`ah) and their consequences on the economic well-being of the community; to expose both American and Islamic-world Muslims to free market thought; to educate Islamic religious and community leaders in economics and in the fact that liberty is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for the achievement of a good society; and to promote the establishment of free trade and justice (an essential common interest of Islam and the West).

To reserve seats by credit card, pay the total amount to the Minaret of Freedom Institute according to the chart below through the Network for Good and enter the number of individual seats and couples pairs purchased in the "description" entry..
To reserve seat by email, send your email to: [email protected].

To reserve  seat by U.S. post use the form below:



              Please reserve _____ seats for me at the Minaret of Freedom Institute�s 26th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner. 

$________ for ______ individuals at $50 each and/or $_______ for ____ couple(s) at $100 each (advanced registration due 10/26/19).    Total enclosed: $________.   

      Please reserve a table of ten seats plus display space.  I enclose $500 per table plus an additional donation

of  $______ for a total of $_______.   

regret that I will not be able to attend but I enclose $________ for the Minaret of Freedom Institute to continue its work promoting better understanding of Islam and freedom.


Send reservation with payment to: Minaret of Freedom Institute, 4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814


Name:                                                                                            Phone: ____________________

Address:                                                                                        E-mail:____________________